MANGO - Unloader on MANITOU

MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon ISO
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 4
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 2
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 8
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 7
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 6
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 9
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 3
MANGO - Déchargeur de Wagon Photo 1

Equipement ferroviaire
MANGO - Unloader on Truck
The MANGOSPAR is a wagon unloading tool, composed of a mobile base equipped with 4 driving wheels and a swiveling, tilting and translatable grasshopper. It allows the aggregate to be unloaded and put into stock or to directly recharge a truck or another train. Its design allows it to adapt to different types of wagons, including those with the helmet close to the ground, type C12 or D12. The assembly is setable from a wireless remote control, giving the user great visibility into their operations.
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